Students in 4th – 7th grades participated in dawah training. Str. Sina’a assigned Khutbah topics for this group that included:

  • Why is it haram to eat pork?
  • The importance of wearing hijab
  • Prophet Muhammad’s best friends
  • Benefits of saying ‘Salalahu alaihi wa salam’
  • Importance of prayer
  • Prophet Muhammad’s appearance
  • Muslim manners in school
  • Cleanliness in Islam
  • Women’s rights in Islam
  • Importance of reciting Surah Al Fatiha
  • What breaks wudu and salah?

Students were required to research their topics and give an oral presentation in front of parents and peers. The two top presenters were each awarded $15 gift cards. Congratulations to both!

The best award is the knowledge gained and the message shared by all!

May Allah (SWT) guide them always to become leaders.